Monday, February 28, 2011

Christmas in March!

Yes, it took me until March to get the last but certainly not least, Christmas celebration blogged. I promised that I edited all of these photos but when I uploaded, they uploaded in the original version and I was not about to go back and upload all over again so my apologies.

Back to the Raab Christmas, aka, my Parent's house--it was a blast like always. Avery really had a great time unwrapping each gift and playing with each of them before she went to the next one. My Mom and Dad always cook so much when we're home--and they CAN COOK! It's like an eating marathon where each course gets better and better.

My lovely parents:

All of us kids:

Avery doing what she does best:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I just love the diaper bag I bought for Lyla.....ok....a little for me, too. The sales lady was really convincing in that I could use it post diaper bag as a weekend bag. I guess I'll take her word for it : ).

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Birthday Buddies

My sister had her baby yesterday (on my birthday). Her name is Olivia- 7lbs 14oz. SHE IS SUCH A DOLL! I love her so much already.

I Need a Time Out

I feel like an overwhelmed blogger. I guess it's a good thing when you have so many great things happening in your life that you can't keep up with them in the blogging world. Yes, that'll be my excuse. These pics are from Raab Christmas ( Dad's side).