Lyla Rose, I can't believe how fast time has gone. You have brought so much joy to our lives and have made us happier than we ever thought we could be.
Here are some things you can do right now:
-Sit up in the tripod position
-Make razzing sounds with your lips (you love doing this and slobber EVERYWHERE)
-Stand with support
-You are an avid roller now
-Make high pitch noises when excited
-Eat rice cereal like a pro
-Look in the direction your name is called
-Eat rice cereal like a pro
-Look in the direction your name is called
-Grab everything in sight
Some funny things about you:
-Your razzing sounds
-The faces you make (especially the crooked smile one)
-The grunting you do to get your burps out (so funny)
-When you grab my face with two hands, pull my face to you, and kiss with a wide open mouth (love)
-How you try and touch our faces while we're feeding you
I'm sure there are a million things I'm forgetting but in general, you're a hoot and we love you to pieces!
She loves being lifted up high!
Mmmm, cereal time!
I love to be outside and look at the trees moving.
Hey, Mom! I'm 5 months old!
My feet are cooler than yours.
There's that razzing face....and the drool!
Look what I can do!!!