Well it seems like just yesterday that I was posting about your 5 month birthday and now here we are at 6 months. You are the light of our lives and just growing like a weed! We went to the doctor yesterday and you were in the 97th percentile in height and weight. I can't even imagine that you were a tiny (well not so tiny) baby just a few months ago!
What's new with you?
You can sit up with no hands and we can really see you working at balancing yourself! You love sitting up because you can play better and really observe things around you.
You're back on rice cereal. We had to take a little hiatus from it because you had tummy trouble for about a week. Now that you're better we're also going to start baby food next week!
When you try to crawl you lift up your entire torso and yell really loud as if it will help you move. So funny! I know you'll figure it out soon but for now, I'll enjoy you staying in sort of one place.
You know that when you move your fingers along your rattle, it makes noise. So, now you do that for everything. It kind of looks like you're scratching things...you do it to your head, mommy's face, daddy's face, in mid air. It's pretty hilarious and hard to explain obviously.
You took to a sippy cup really fast. I handed it to you, you grabbed it, and immediately started drinking out of it--plus you're holding your own bottle!
On a sad note, you've decided that you're going to start waking up in the middle of the night again. Mommy and Daddy just don't have the heart to let you lay there and cry so we go soothe you. My fingers are crossed that it's just a phase!
There is really something new everyday and it's just one of the many gifts of being a parent. We love you, Lyla Bee.