Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lyla @ 11 Months

Yesterday was Lyla's 11 month birthday.  To me this is the last month of her being a baby and it is so bittersweet.  I love watching her grow into her own little person but will very much miss her needing me to fulfill her every need.
This month I noticed so many changes in Lyla.  She's become a lot more verbal--she says "mama, baba, b-b-b (which means book I think), bye-bye (according to her babysitter), hi, and all kinds of jibberish which is pretty hilarious.  She is standing on her own and claps for herself while doing so.  She tries to feed herself with a spoon.  Her appetite is still the same--she will eat almost anything at any given time.  She thinks it's funny to take everything out of every drawer, cabinet, toy tote--she does this by throwing things over her shoulder in a very fast manner.  Lyla likes to give high fives and cover her eyes and ears with her hands.  She thinks shaking her head "no" is hilarious (great!).
 As far as her personality goes, she will laugh at ANYTHING, she gets her feelings hurt easily, for instance, when we tell her "no,no", she bursts out into tears, she plays pretty independently after she warms up to her environment, and she's somewhat of a bookworm--she loves to sit and read her books in her own language.

I'm praying this month will move a little bit slower than the rest have so I can savor those last moments of babyhood.


Kathy Cowen said...

I was thinking how fast the year has gone--what a beautiful little child and she always seems so happy. Obviously, mama and daddy do all the right things!
We love you all and enjoy all the moments spent with the family.

Dawn and Matt said...

I don't know if we do all the right things (hopefully)but I'm sure that God blessed with a very happy child. We love you all, too.