Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Oh boy

I'm sorry I've been such a terrible blogger lately. There really is no excuse--well one--- I can't seem to find my camera and what's a blog entry without pictures? I would just go buy a camera but I really want to save for the Nikon I have my eye on. So until then, if I have any readers, you'll just have to bare with me.

What have I been doing over the summer? Well, I've taken a trip to the Frio, to Lake LBJ, and very soon to Port A. I've been to a few workshops, compiling, organizing, and making wedding albums and all that entails, babysitting for Avery, visiting friends in Austin, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and working on school stuff very minimally. Generally I've been enjoying life as much as possible while anticipating the next school year. I still have a few trips I would like to make before the end of summer or atleast before the end of the year--to see my long, lost friends Susan (Dallas) and Johanna (New Orleans).

1 comment:

Johanna said...

Awww....we're not lost Hun! ;) Just a little distance between us.