Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm Back!

Now that we've finally settled down from the hustle and bustle of starting school I find my self with a little bit of free time in the evening. Lyla has reached so many milestones since I last posted. She's pretty much the happiest baby I've ever been around and I'm not just saying that because I'm biased! Here are just a few of the things she can do now:
-make LOUD, HIGH PITCHED noises
-turn when she hears her name called
-ROLL OVER (video in the next post)
-hold her head up completely by herself
-smile ALL the time and laugh out loud
-reach and grab anything she wants to get her hands on
-push her self up using her hands and gets her feet going like she wants to crawl
I could go on forever. It's just amazing how fast they learn and develop but all the moms out there know that ; ).
And here she is:

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