Wednesday, April 25, 2012

spring is in the air!

I love my yard in the spring time.  When we were browsing around for a home to buy, this yard is what caught my attention and lead us inside to take a peek.  It's  a big part of why I love my home so much.  I take pride and enjoy(I guess Matt gets a little credit too) keeping it maintained and flourishing.  You could call it a hobby (except in the fall when the leaves are just HATEFUL).

 I cannot wait until my Crepe Myrtle Tree (yes, that's how you spell it, I googled it) blooms.  And yes, it's the huge tree in the picture.  There's and even bigger one in the backyard.  They make beautiful trees!

1 comment:

Shauna Lynn said...

everything looks beautiful. I need you in my yard... desperately!