Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Girl Power!

It's a girl! We are just so overjoyed and in love with this baby. Matt really had his heart set on a boy but the moment he found out it was indeed a misses, he was grinning from ear to ear. You could say she already has him wrapped around her little finger. As for me, the sudden shopping fever was overwhelming! The minute we left the clinic I found the closest boutique and bought something for her. I forsee several more purchases in the near future but I think I've done my part in preparing Matt for a household of girls.

Some fun facts about our ultrasound:

She's 1.7 lbs--right where she needs to be

SUPER active-- the ultrasound tech said it's been a long time since she's seen a baby this active

SUPER flexible--I kid you not, she was practically doing a split in my uterus

AND she has Matt's little chin and face shape

Here's our baby girl waving at us:

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