Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So Blessed!

This post has been a long time coming and I have no excuses for putting it off any longer. I'm sure everyone that has any point of contact with Matt or I knows that we're EXPECTING! We are currently 22 weeks along and will find out the gender on January 26th. I, personally, am feeling a multitude of emotions from excited to down right scared. This was definitely a planned pregnancy so there were no surprises but I don't think one could ever be completely prepared for such a life changing experience. Our little monkey isn't even here yet and I feel like I've had to already make life altering choices for both of us. Also, just knowing that I'm in control of his/her fate sends me into a state of panic once in a while. But of course, all this stress is worth it because in just a few months we will have something so much bigger than us to live for. We have truly been blessed in so many ways and I will never take for granted how lucky we are.

PS...I promise to keep the blog updated on the baby's progress and any news pertaining to him/her so please check back!


Shauna Lynn said...

Yay! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. Hope pregnancy is going/ goes very well for you.

Dawn and Matt said...

Thanks, Shauna! It's been a breeze so far!

Becky Cowen said...

Yeah! I'm so glad you updated your blog. It's on my blogroll so I check it periodically. Not sure if I've told you, but I've been updating my blog lately so you can check it out. thechickhouse.blogspot.com