Friday, April 29, 2011

Our Sunshine

So it turns out that I can't tell enough people that Little Miss Lyla will be making her grand entrance into the world on May 10th by way of induction-- possibly sooner if she decides she doesn't feel like being squished anymore. Matt and I are so giddy, excited, anxious to finally meet her! I've dreamed so long of having someone to share our love with and it just seems so surreal that I could be a mom any day now. One day when she reads this I want her to know that she is a dream come true and though I pray and wish and hope and wish and hope and pray that she is 100% healthy, we will love her with all of our hearts no matter what...

1 comment:

MOM Cowen said...

We are so excited and the anticipation mounts daily--yes, we will all love her very much!